Most Requested Presentations
Autism In The Family: Coping Strategies for Parents and Siblings
The challenges of autism can often make it next to impossible to keep the needs of your family
in perspective. The whole family can be immobilized by unrelenting stress. This presentation
provides insight and coping strategies for immediate and extended family members.

Revisiting Masculinity: Support and Insight for Fathers
Explores the unique perspective men bring to parenting a child with autism. As the father of an adult child with autism, Dr. Naseef provides compassion and understanding of the challenges for men and insight into building the father-child relationship. This presentation helps develop involvement and support for fathers and offers insight into the family impact.
Get a preview by listening to this interview.
Being Present: Learning to Change What We Can and Let Go of What We Cannot
Acceptance does not mean giving up. It is not making war or peace with autism or other challenging conditions. It means doing our best as a family living day-by-day. It also means taking care of everyone’s needs while finding the elusive balance. This helps the family journey to acceptance and resilience.
Autism And Marriage: Coping Strategies For Relationship
This co-presentation with Dr. Cindy Ariel examines the different perspectives that men and women bring to parenting a child with autism or other special needs. It guides couples to listen and understand each other in new ways—and work together to strengthen their relationship.
Families Of Children With Special Needs: Caring For Everyone's Needs
This presentation includes information and tools for developing and maintaining an emotionally healthy family. Topics include: coping with everyday life, the special needs of mothers and fathers, issues facing siblings, working together as a couple, reducing stress, and the meaning of acceptance.
Special Children, Challenged Parents, Caring Professionals: Building Partnerships
Strengthen the parent-professional relationship and work together more effectively. Drawing from personal and professional experience, Dr. Naseef guides professionals and parents in learning strategies to overcome emotional and developmental challenges both special children and parents may encounter.
Living Along The Spectrum (Co-Presented With Stephen Shore)
Robert and Stephen combine their insights to teach in a unique way. As two individuals whose lives have been deeply impacted by autism, they discuss the human costs and benefits of ASD. They cover topics such as sensory issues, social skills, anxiety, being "different," grief, siblings, empathy/compassion, as well as the cultural implications of ASD.
Surfing The Stress And Keeping Your Balance: When Your Child Has Autism
Stressed out? Dr. Naseef presents basic stress reduction techniques and explains the emotional impact that caring
for a child with a disability has on the body. Parents will learn how to identify stressors, identify thoughts and
feelings, understand options, and improve coping skills.
Understanding And Guiding Your Child's Behavior
Addresses the challenging behaviors that children with autism exhibit and offers help in guiding them toward more socially appropriate ways of self-expression. Participants also explore practical behavioral approaches to common regulatory issues including eating, sleeping, and toilet-training.
Presentations may include keynotes, breakout sessions, half and full day workshops.